
The Guardian Newspaper - 7th August 2024 - The Moment that Changed Me: I quit my PhD – and left my severe impostor syndrome behind

Inkcap journal - 6th August 2024 - Book review of The Ghost Lake by Sophia Yeo

The Observer - 18th August 2024 - book review of The Ghost Lake by Ben East

The Little Ripon Bookshop

The Little Ripon Bookshop

Meet award winning poet, Wendy Pratt

talking about her new memoir, Ghost Lake

at The Little Ripon Bookshop on

Thursday 5th September at 7pm.

Tickets £5 (includes a glass of wine) are available

in the bookshop or online, click the button below.(Booking fees apply to online tickets)

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Wild Women Writer's Salon

Wild Women Writer's Salon

Join us for Salon 10: Trace - Landscape, Place and Belonging — a deep dive into the landscapes that hold us, the human and non-human traces that shape them, and the intimate relationships we form with the places we call home.

With guest authors Cal Flyn, Wendy Pratt, and Annie Worsley.

The event is recorded with English subtitles and has captions enabled.

The Wild Women Writers' Salons are intimate conversations between authors about their inspirations, ideas, challenges, and creative journeys. Whether you are a published writer, just starting out, or simply curious -- these salons are warm, welcoming, and thought-provoking.

Each salon will feature three (and sometimes four!) fantastic guest writers. Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect:

Dive deep into the world of words.

Hear authors share their works.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process.

Real talk about publishing highs and lows.

Engage in some heart-to-heart during the Q&A session.

We have made the tickets Pay What You Can to make it more equitable. Ticket sales help value and pay the amazing people making these salons possible—from behind the scenes to the fabulous authors! We are completely unfunded and are grateful for your generosity when choosing a donation. Thank you.

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Kemp Books, Malton

Kemp Books, Malton

Join us as we chat to Wendy about her book Ghost Lake. Wendy is a poet, author, editor, and workshop facilitator who lives and works on the North Yorkshire coast, where she grew up. She has written five collections of poetry; Ghost Lake is her first non-fiction book.

The Ghost Lake is a deeply personal, lyrical and stirring meditation on local history and changing landscapes that intertwines nature writing with an exploration of grief, belonging, and the lives and legacies of rural working-class people. Paleolake Flixton is an extinct lake in North Yorkshire, human occupation of the site dates back thousands of years to prehistoric times. Over the millennia, the vast lake has disappeared and today all that is left of it is a watermark. Wendy will take her audience on a pilgrimage around this ghost lake, to locations that have acted as journey markers in her own life.

This event will be perfect for lovers of local history and memoir. Join us for an evening of insightful conversation discussing Wendy’s book.

General Admission Tickets £7.00

Book & Ticket £16.99 (including 'The Ghost Lake' book RRP £16.99)

Book in store or online. A booking fee will apply when booking online. If you wish to avoid a booking fee, then please call us or drop into the shop.

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Edinburgh International Book Festival

Edinburgh International Book Festival

We bring together two writers who are reimagining our understanding of the natural world. In Weathering, Ruth Allen draws on her knowledge of geology and psychotherapy to explain how our constantly evolving planet can help us to endure life’s storms. Poet and author Wendy Pratt explores grief, nature, and ancestry in her lyrical memoir, The Ghost Lake. They are joined in conversation by Linda France.

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